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Apex Talent Solutions is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. We recognise our responsibility to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains.

This Modern Slavery Policy outlines our commitment to combating modern slavery, our approach to identifying and addressing risks, and the actions we take to uphold ethical standards within our organisation and throughout our supply chains.


This policy applies to all individuals working for Apex Talent Solutions, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, contractors, consultants, and agents.

It extends to all aspects of our operations, including but not limited to recruitment processes, client engagements, supplier relationships, and interactions with third parties.


Modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation. It involves the exploitation of individuals for personal or commercial gain through coercion, deception, or abuse of power.


Senior management and all employees are responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy and for promoting awareness of modern slavery risks and indicators within the organisation.

Managers and supervisors are accountable for identifying and addressing modern slavery risks within their areas of responsibility and for providing support and guidance to employees.


Apex Talent Solutions conducts regular risk assessments to identify potential modern slavery risks within its operations and supply chains. This includes assessing risks associated with recruitment practices, subcontracting arrangements, and geographic locations.

Identified risks are prioritized, and appropriate measures are implemented to mitigate or eliminate them.


We undertake due diligence on all new suppliers to assess their compliance with modern slavery laws and ethical standards.

Contracts with suppliers include clauses requiring them to comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to modern slavery and to uphold ethical labour practices.


Apex Talent Solutions provides training and awareness programs to employees to ensure they understand the signs of modern slavery, their responsibilities under this policy, and how to report concerns or suspicions.

Training is provided to relevant staff on a regular basis and as part of induction processes for new employees.


Employees are encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions regarding modern slavery promptly to their manager, HR department, or designated compliance officer.

Reports can be made anonymously through the company’s whistleblowing channels, and confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation process.


Apex Talent Solutions will investigate all reports of suspected modern slavery promptly and thoroughly. Investigations will be conducted in a fair and impartial manner, and appropriate action will be taken based on the findings.

Where modern slavery is identified, Apex Talent Solutions will take remedial action, including terminating relationships with suppliers or subcontractors found to be involved in such practices.


This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any updates or revisions will be communicated to all relevant parties.

Apex Talent Solutions is committed to continuous improvement in its approach to preventing modern slavery and will work collaboratively with stakeholders to address emerging risks and challenges.

Apex Talent Solutions is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of its business operations. This Modern Slavery Policy reflects our commitment to combating modern slavery and ensuring that our business and supply chains are free from exploitation and abuse.